Wednesday of Holy Week

It's Wednesday of Holy Week. Mark puts it this way: "It was two days before the Passover and the festival of Unleavened Bread." (Mark 14:1).

If you are not reading or listening to "The Last Week" by Crossan and Borg, I encourage you to do so. Just do it a day at a time. If not that, then today, Mark 14:1-11.

I have two questions for today (I know I promised one question a day.....but, forgive me).

First question is simple. Second question is complex.

First: What was it that caused the Temple leaders (aka "chief priests and the scribes") to give up trying to arrest Jesus that week ("during the festival") until they figured out how to do it in the dark, secretly, singularly?

Second: What is it about Jesus that frightens you most?

Let me answer that second one: Jesus’ fierce love for his enemies that would not allow him to violently oppose them as he non-violently resisted them….and his invitation to me to do the same and pay the consequences.

Onward we go.


Thursday of Holy Week


Tuesday of Holy Week